Last week after another round of Microsoft update I rebooted our Microsoft Exchange 2007 server. After the reboot Outlook Web Access was no longer working. I could see in Event Viewer a bunch of errors relating to .Net 1.1 and a few other
DLL files relating to authentication.
After a lot of looking around online I figured out a few things.
You cannot install .Net 1.1 on the
OWA server.
OWA requires
IIS to be running in 64-bit mode (x64), while .Net requires 32-bit mode (x86). So I
un-installed the .Net framework since I didn't need it any how and rebooted.
Things still where not working, so I tried to delete the Virtual Directory right from the
IIS admin screen. That didn't work so I restored the Virtual Directory from a back up I had made right before (Trust me this is always a good idea!).
I also found out that with good examples and the proper references that the new
PowerShell interface for Exchange is very powerful. However I am still looking forward to Exchange 2007 SP1 when Microsoft brings some things missing from the GUI back.
Today I found the proper way to recreate the Virtual Directory.
Step one is to view all of the Virtual Directories on the server.
Get-OwaVirtualDirectory will display a list of all the Exchange Virtual Directories on that server. The one you are looking for here is "
OWA (Default Web Site)" on a default install.
Step two is to remove the default
OWA Virtual Directory with:
Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory -identity "owa (Default Web Site)"The next step is to recreate the
OWA Virtual Directory with:
New-OWAVirtualDirectory -OWAVersion "Exchange2007" -Name "owa (Default Web Site)"Now go into the Exchange 2007 Management Console and setup the correct internal and external URLs and any other settings you may have changed the first time around. One of the changes I recommend is on the "Authentication" tab the
Logon Format for Forms based authentication to "User name only" and then setting the domain. This will make it easier for your users to
login by not having to remember the domain or typing domain\