Tuesday, May 01, 2007

70-284 Exam Prep Problem Question Number 1

This is a question I keep getting wrong while studying for my 70-284 Microsoft Exchange 2003 Certification Exam.
Basically you need to migrate from Lotus cc: Mail to Microsoft Exchange 2003, but the catch is that your Microsoft Exchange Server is not available yet. To complete this question you must correctly add in the necessary steps and what order they go in.
Step one is a simple, you must choose to do a Two-Step migration because your Microsoft Exchange Server is not available. Step two: you must specify a path to the migration files so that you can use them when your new Microsoft Exchange Server is ready. Step three: you must specify the Lotus cc: Mail Post Office and password to export the mailboxes with. Step four: here you select the information to migrate over to Microsoft Exchange. Step five: The final step in all of this is to select the users to export.
Hopefully now that I have written this out I can remember it at least long enough to get a question like this right on my Exam!

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