Friday, December 08, 2006

Touch 2.00

This is an update to my previous post "Touch for Windows". Johan now has a handy installer and rewritten Touch in C#. To top everything off he has also released the code for Touch 2.00 so you can make changes / improvements. I might take a look and see if I can port this over to VB.Net 2005 as well. Below is an excerp from his site

"This utility can set the date and time of a file. It was originally written in Visual C++ and has been ported to C#. The source code is included.
I wrote this program mainly to show how easy it is to set the date and time of a file. I’ve seen overly complicated ways of programming touch and this source should show how simple it is with .NET 2.0.
You can get the file by clicking here."

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